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A Place of commemoration in memory of the victims of Flight 4U9525. This site collects thoughts and condolences for those who lost their lives in the tragic incidents of 24 March 2015.

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A Place of Commemoration

The events of March 24, 2015 have plunged many people into a deep state of shock and grief. In reaction to this tragedy, individuals from all over the world have publicly expressed their thoughts and condolences. In response to this overwhelming amount of global outreach, we felt the need to provide an environment to share these acts of sympathy.

This site has been created as a public space of commemoration for those who lost their lives on board Flight 4U 9525. We would like to preserve this display of compassion as a sign of humanity and solidarity, valuable to those in need.


Submit your thoughts by using #indeepsorrow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+. Posts with this hashtag will appear on this page. Please give us some time, to review and publish your condolences. Out of respect for the victims, relatives and friends, we will not share inappropriate postings and ask for your understanding that we will not comment on the selection process.

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Your condolences

Submit your thoughts and condolences for the victims of Flight 4U9525 directly by filling out the below form:

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Alternatively, you can share your condolences by using #indeepsorrow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+. Please note that posts need to be set to global on Facebook and Google+ in order to be featured on this site.

Thank you

Thank you for your contribution.

Please give us some time, to review and publish your condolences. In respect for the victims, relatives and friends, we will not share inappropriate postings and ask for your understanding.


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